
Congratulatory message from the Head of School:5



Instead of giving up and saying things like "I'm not good enough" or "There's no way I can do it," believe in yourself and say "I can do it," and walk through the coming age with strength, so that you can find something that you can confidently say, "Leave it to me." If you are cheerful, honest, fun, curious, well-organized, and always warm-hearted, I'm sure you can do it.


In closing, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the parents of the graduating students for your constant kindness and cooperation in the education of Imazawa Elementary School over the past six long years. Along with all the staff, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you all. I hope that you will continue to watch over the development of Imazawa Elementary School and offer your continued support. I wish all the graduates the best in their future lives, and conclude my parting words.

結びに当たり、卒業生の保護者の皆様には、 六年の長きにわたり、今沢小学校の教育に対して、常にご厚情とご協力を賜り、誠にありがとうございました。全職員とともに、心より感謝し、御礼申し上げます。これからも、今沢小学