




Message from Brendan Sensei

I have only been in Ooka Minami ES for 4 months but I already feel very settled and comfortable. I really love working here and the students enjoy my lessons and feel comfortable around me.

Below is a brief list of what topics have been covered since my arrival.

Self and family introduction
Mother, Father, little sister, big sister, little brother, big brother, grandmother, grandfather and pets.

I like, he likes, she likes, I don’t like he doesn’t like she doesn’t like.


Everyday things and stationary
Table, sofa, rug, television, telephone, mobile phone, watch, clock, umbrella, tea pot, tea cup, knife, fork, spoon, iron, glass. Pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, stapler, calculator, computer, notebook, book, glue, crayon, desk, chair, blackboard, school bag

Do you have a …..
Yes I do. - Here you are
I’m sorry I don’t.

Sunny cloudy windy rainy humid snowy tornado hail hazy lightning.

What the weather like? - It’s…… sunny etc…

1st grade
You are really genki and loud and you spoke English very well. Good work!

2nd grade
You know numbers very well and I hope you keep working hard! Nice job!

3rd grade
I am very happy with the 3rd grade students. You are very genki and love to speak English and play games! Great!

4th grade
The 4th grade are working very hard and enjoy speaking English. You listen well and I enjoy our lessons. Please keep working hard!

5th grade
5th grade enjoy playing games and singing songs for example. You are always a very fun and friendly grade to teach. Keep up the good English study!

6th Grade
I really enjoy teaching the 6th grade students. They are always joking, laughing and are hungry to learn more English. The enjoy singing songs for example ‘if your happy and you know it’, ‘head shoulders knees and toes’ and ‘5 little witches’. I hope you continue this love of English!